
Ett luftfartsavtal träffades 2013 mellan Sverige och Curacao. Avtalet är förhandlat på engelska, därför är texten nedan på engelska.

The agreement was initialled on 10 December 2013, but has not yet been signed.

Designation principle

Multiple designation.

Traffic rights for airlines designated by Sweden

The designated airlines of Sweden have the right to operate in both directions between points in Sweden via intermediate points to points in Curacao and points beyond.

The designated airlines are entitled to exercise full 5th freedom traffic rights. However, the agreement excludes the exercise of commercial traffic rights by the designated airlines of Sweden between Curacao and the Netherlands, Curacao and Sint Maarten and Curacao and Aruba.

Possibility to enter into co-operative marketing arrangements such as blocked-space or code sharing also with a third Party.

Capacity regime

No specific limitations.