Ett luftfartsavtal träffades 1960 mellan Sverige och Peru. Avtalet är förhandlat på engelska, därför är texten nedan på engelska.
The agreement was signed on 14 July 1960.
Designation principle
Single designation
Traffic rights for airline designated by Sweden
1) Points in Sweden - via points in Europe, Africa, Guiana, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador - Lima, Santiago de Chile - Points beyond.
2) Points in Sweden - via points in Europe, New York, Bermuda, Middle America, Mexico and/or the West Indies, Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador - Lima, Santiago de Chile - Points beyond.
3) Points in Sweden - via points in Europe, Africa and Brazil - Lima - Points beyond.
The designated airline of Sweden may at any or all flights, omit calling at any of the intermediate points.
Capacity provisions
The right of the designated airline to embark or to disembark at the point in the territory of the other Contracting Party international traffic destined for or coming from third countries shall be in accordance with the principles that capacity shall be related to:
a) traffic demand between the territory of origin and the territories of destination;
b) the requirements of through airline operation;
c) traffic requirements of the areas through which the airline passes, taking account of local and regional air services.