
Ett luftfartsavtal träffades 1996 mellan Sverige och Macao. Avtalet är förhandlat på engelska, därför är texten nedan på engelska.

The agreement was signed on 12 December 1996. 

Designation principle

Multiple designation 

Traffic rights for airlines designated by Sweden

From points in Sweden via intermediate points to Macao and points beyond. However, this does not include the right to provide air services between Macao and Hong Kong, points in Taiwan and the inland of China. 

The designated airlines may on any or all flights omit calling at any of the intermediate and/or beyond points referred to above, provided that these flights originate or end in the area of the Contracting Party which has designated the airline concerned. 

Intermediate and beyond points including the exercise of fifth freedom traffic rights will be jointly decided by the aeronautical authorities of the Contracting Parties. 

Capacity provisions

No specific limitations.