Ett luftfartsavtal träffades 1959 mellan Sverige och Tunisien. Avtalet är förhandlat på engelska, därför är texten nedan på engelska.
The agreement was signed on 19 March of 1959.
Designation principle
Multiple designation
Traffic rights for designated airlines of Sweden
1. Points in Scandinavia – points in the Netherlands and/or points in Germany and/or points in Poland – points in Belgium and/or points in Switzerland and/or points in Austria and/or points in Czechoslovakia – points in Spain and/or points in Yugoslavia and/or points in Hungary and/or points in Greece – Tunis, in both directions.
2. Points in Scandinavia – points in the Netherlands and/or points in Germany and/or points in Poland – points in Belgium and/or points in Switzerland and/or points in Austria and/or points in Czechoslovakia – points in Spain and/or points in Yugoslavia and/or points in Hungary and/or points in Greece – Tunis – points in countries beyond, in both directions.
Any or all points on the routes may, at the option of the designated airlines, be omitted.
Capacity provisions
No specific limitations.