Decisions regarding track access
You can find information about decisions regarding track access here.
Access to railway infrastructure is regulated by Railway Act (2004:519), the Railway Ordinance (2004:526) and the Swedish Rail Agency’s regulations on access to railway infrastructure (2005:1). Link to Railway regulations (in swedish).
Decisions regarding track access (available in Swedish)
Ärende 2010-392 TRAFIKVERKET (PDF, new window)
Ärende 2008-281 A-TRAIN (PDF, new window)
Ärende 2007-2126 BANVERKET (PDF, new window)
Ärende 2007-1898 ÖRESUNDSBROKONSORTIET (PDF, new window)
Ärende 2006-1473 BANVERKET (PDF, new window)
Ärende 2007-1063 ÖRESUNDSBROKONSORTIET (PDF, new window)
Ärende 2007-538 A-TRAIN (PDF, new window)
Ärende 2007-539 GÖTEBORGS HAMN (PDF, new window)
Ärende 2007-540 INLANDSBANAN (PDF, new window)