Courses that do not require confirmation in the form of certificates of proficiency or separate documentation
There are several courses included in the certificate of competency that you do not need to confirm by way of certificates or separate documentation. These are courses that form part of training programs such as the Master Mariner Program and the Marine Engineer Program, or that are included in the training for Deck Officer Class VII.
The reason that a certificate of proficiency or any other documentation is not required for such courses is that the international STCW regulations govern the content of Swedish qualification-based training starting from Class VII.
When examining applications for permits to organise training programs or other training whose content is regulated by STCW, the Swedish Transport Agency assesses the courses included to ensure they are conducted according to the respective table in the STCW Code (ARPA and AIS are required under STCW starting from A-II/1, but in Sweden they are included in the training for Deck Officer Class VII).
The courses listed below are included in the respective certificates of competency that the Swedish Transport Agency issues when you have passed the courses. This means that you do not need to confirm them by way of any documents beyond the certificate of competency.
- Deck Officer Class V according to STCW A-II/1
- BRM.
- Engineer Officer Class V according to STCW A-III/1
- ERM.
- Deck Officer Class VII according to STCW A-II/3
- AIS.
Certificates of competency issued based on an older approved training program that did not include ECDIS, entails a limitation, which is clearly indicated on the certificate of competency.
If you have any questions, please contact us at