Accidents and incidents

Here you will find information on how and to whom you report incidents, serious incidents, accidents and security-related reports in aviation.

Report an occurrence (incident)

To report incidents to the Swedish Transport Agency, please use the portal ECCAIRS 2 provided by EASA. When selecting Sweden (CAA) as the state you want to report to, we will receive and manage the report.

Report occurrence in ECCAIRS 2  

Please note that the above portal may not be used when reporting an accident, serious incident and security-related reports, read more below.

Guidelines for using the reporting portal can be found here.

Mandatory reporting on occurrences relating to design issues

If you are the owner or operator of an aircraft, you have a further obligation to also report the occurrence to the type certificate holder in accordance with AMC 20-8.

Report an accident or serious incident

When reporting an accident or serious incident please use this form and send it to the Swedish Accident Investigation Authority (SHK).

Accident/Serious Incident Reporting Form for Powered Aircraft (L1592)

Occurrences relating to aviation security

Organizations that want to send occurrences related to aviation security should send the report directly to Please do not use ECCAIRS 2.