Briefing for non-swedish examiners

Annex I to the European Aircrew Regulation, Part FCL.1015 c) requires all non-Swedish examiners wishing to conduct skill tests (ST), proficiency checks (PC) and/or Assessment of Competence (AoC) on Swedish licence holders to review the latest available information containing the relevant Swedish national procedures.

Test notification

Test notification for skilltest and assessment of competence should be sent using the form: Test notification for skilltest and Assessment of Competence

4.3 Notification Procedures

In accordance with the requirements in ARA.FCL.205(c), before any skill test or initial instructor assessment of competence is conducted the examiner shall enter the information listed in general section 2.4.1 into the form on the Swedish Transport Agency website; Briefing for non-swedish examiners.

The required skill test notification period is 5 days prior to the test, with the possibility to allow a change of the examiner up to 1 hour before the event. Note that the auto generated answer to the notification is to be considered a designation for the skilltest or assessment of competence as per ARA.FCL.205(c). If any changes to the notification are made, e.g. due to weather or technical reasons, a new notification has to be submitted. Please note that the notification period of 5 days does not apply to changes to an already submitted notification. If the Swedish Transport Agency wishes to assign another examiner or inspector the examiner will be notified.

4.3.1 ATPL

As per 4.3 Notification procedures.

4.3.2 Proficiency checks

No notification for proficiency checks are required.

4.3.3 Initial examiner assessments of competence (AoC)

Designation procedure apply Initial AoC for Examiner Certificate is to be conducted by a Swedish inspector or senior examiner unless specifically approved otherwise. An examiner for an initial examiner AoC shall be specifically designated by the Swedish Transport Agency. Requests regarding these AoCs must be sent to and contain the information listed in general section 2.4.1. and enter Examiner AOC in the email subject line. The AoC notification period is at least 20 work days prior to the AoC. The applicant has the option to suggest an inspector or senior examiner.

Administrative questions are sent to which is monitored by Carolina Olsson Einarsson.