A control point, picture

A control point, the 'Betalväg' (toll road) road sign and sign showing tariffs.

Automatic registration

Vehicles are registered and identified automatically at control points through a photograph of their number plate being taken. The flow of traffic is not affected as drivers do not have to stop or slow down. Payment is made in arrears; there is no need to pay at the roadside.


There is a sign displaying the text 'Betalstation' (control point) at the control point, in addition to a road sign for 'betalväg' (toll road) and a sign displaying the tariffs (see images above). There is also a digital illuminated sign at the control point showing the current amount of the congestion tax. These illuminated signs display the web address of the Swedish Transport Agency at weekends, on holidays, evenings and at night, as no congestion tax is charged during these times.
Location of control points


Laser detectors sense when a vehicle is passing through a control point. The laser then triggers cameras that take photographs of the vehicle's number plates, first from the front and then from the rear. The camera crops the image so that only the number plate and the area nearest to the plate are shown. The vehicle's registration number is immediately identified in the camera using OCR technology (Optical Character Recognition).  

Grafic showing how av control point is working, picture

  1. The vehicle passes a laser detector (B) which triggers cameras (D) and (A). An antenna for identification using transponders (no longer used) (C).
  2. A camera takes a photograph of the vehicle's front number plate (D).
  3. A camera takes a photograph of the vehicle's rear number plate (A).

Storage of information

Information registered at control points (date, time, control point, registration number and amount) and the tax decision made are stored until the tax has been paid and the processing of the matter completed.

Public information and classified information

A vehicle's tax decision is a public document. However, information about which control point the vehicle has passed and the time of the passage is classified. Classified information is only issued to the owner of the vehicle and may, following a special request, be sent by post to the population register address of the vehicle owner.