Theoretical examinations for LAPL/PPL

Information concerning theoretical examinations for LAPL (Light Aircraft Pilot Licence) and PPL (Private Pilot Licence)

Maximum examination times per subject for LAPL/PPL

Subject Maximum examination time
Air law 45 min
Aircraft general knowledge 35 min
Flight performance and planning 95 min
Human Performance 30 min
Meteorology 45 min
Navigation 65 min
Operational procedures 30 min
Principles of flight 45 min
Communication 30 min

LAPL/PPL learning objectives and question distribution

The Swedish Transport Agency currently only provide documents of the LAPL/PPL learning objectives and question distribution in Swedish.

Use the link below to get to the documents and to see upcoming changes to these.

Måldokument för PPL/LAPL

Attachments for LAPL/PPL examinations

Swedish LAPL/PPL(A) attachments - Civilair L1P

Attachments to be used for LAPL/PPL(A) examinations in Swedish.

Civilair L1P - Performance sheets (pdf, 8.95 mb)

English LAPL/PPL(A) attachments

Attachments to be used for LAPL/PPL(A) examinations in English.

LAPL/PPL(A) Performance sheets in English (zip, 1.7 mb)

Attachments for PPL(H) Swedish/English - Robinson R22

R22 performance sheets to be used for PPL(H) examinations.

Robinson R22 - Performance sheets (zip, 6.6 mb)