A third country operator* needs permission for overflight of Swedish territory if the state who has issued the operator’s AOC has not acceded the International Air Services Transit Agreement, and where the right to overflight is not granted in the applicable air transport agreement.
An application for a permit for overflight must be in one of the Scandinavian languages or in English and contain the following information:
- Operator’s name, address, phone number and e-mail
- Aircraft type, nationality and registration marks
- Intended route and destination of the flight as well as date, time and location for passage over Swedish territory
The application shall be sent to:
E-mail: trafficpermit@transportstyrelsen.se
* a state other than EU's member states, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland, or a state that through agreement with the EU is covered by all rights and obligations which follows by regulation (EG) nr 1008/2008