Report deficiencies and unsatisfactory conditions

On this page, you can report unsatisfactory conditions. You can also submit tips to us about damages and deficiencies related to a vessel or a shipping company. Your information is important. By reporting, you can contribute to the improvement of working environment and safety, and to the protection of the marine environment.

Urgent matters

If the situation requires immediate action, please contact our staff on standby (TiB, tjänsteman i beredskap) via SOS Alarm, dial 112.

Not possible to attach files

At the moment it is not possible to send attached files. We are working to solve the problem.

The report submitted to the Swedish Transport Agency is a public document. If you are an employee at the place of work in question and your report concerns occupational safety in accordance with Chapter 28, Section 14 of the Swedish Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2009:400), your report will be covered by the obligation of professional secrecy.