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Licence plates
Licence plates comes in three sizes. From January 1, 2014 Swedish licence plates got a new look. Single-row licence plates used for most types of vehicles
Road / Vehicles
Change of ownership
Have you bought or sold a vehicle? If so, you and the other party must make a notification of the change of ownership. You can do this: Online (only for
Road / Vehicles
Deregister the vehicle
Besides dismantling, one reason for a vehicle being deregistered may be because the vehicle has been exported or rebuilt. Bear in mind that deregistration
Road / Vehicles
Air services agreements
Information to all EU and EEA air carriers established in Sweden. Air Services Agreements (Air Transport Agreements) Commercial Air Transportation can
Aviation / Air operators
Airworthiness and continuing airworthiness
For more details of Airworthiness please visit our Swedish website. Continuing Airworthiness Organisation approvals Search Approved organisations Templates
Aviation / Aircraft
Swedish Civil Aircraft Register
Here you will find information and instructions regarding, for example, interim registration, registration of aircraft, change of ownership and de-registration
Aviation / Aircraft