Recognition of professional qualification for traffic instructors
Now it is possible for the traffic instructors from other EEA countries (or Switzerland) to work in Sweden.
The professions covered by the regulations
Now it is possible for you who works as a driver trainer in an EEA country or Switzerland to apply for recognition of one of the following professions, to come to Sweden to take up employment, temporarily or permanently:
- Instructor for introductory training before private practice driving category B
- Risk training instructor for driving licens category A and B
- Driving instructor
- Training leader at a driving school
- Training instructor for drivers of class II mopeds, snowmobiles and light terrain vehicles
- Training instructor for drivers of vehicles that requires driving license category AM.
More uniform, simpler and faster process
The rules are expected to lead to a more uniform, simpler and faster process of recognizing a person's professional qualifications for those who want to work permanently in Sweden.
For those who want to work temporarily in Sweden, this means that it is the professional who must show the employer that he or she practices the profession in another country within the EEA or Switzerland.
The new provisions entered into force on 15 April 2016 to transpose the Professional Qualifications Directive.
How to apply
You will find information on how to apply, what requirements are set and application forms for each role, on the following pages:
- Instructor for introductory training before private practice driving category B
- Risk training instructor
- Driving instructor
- Training leader at a driving school
- Training instructor for drivers of class II mopeds, snowmobiles and light terrain vehicles
- Training instructor for drivers of vehicles that requires driving license category AM.
The requirements for the recognition of professional qualifications for a driver trainer are found in the following regulations (in swedish only):
- Lag (2016:145) om erkännande av yrkeskvalifikationer
- Förordning (2016:157) om erkännande av yrkeskvalifikationer
- Transportstyrelsens föreskrifter (TSFS 2016:17) om erkännande av yrkeskvalifikationer.
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