Preliminary results from winter tests of composite brake blocks with loaded freight wagons
The Swedish Transport Agency carries out extensive tests during winter of 2021 in order to examine the braking ability of the composite brake blocks during winter conditions.
The tests take place throughout the winter, but the Swedish Transport Agency already wishes to inform regarding preliminary test results.
We discovered that the braking distance was consistently extremely short when we had loaded the wagons, see more in the attached report from Chalmers.
Railway undertakings are still encouraged to take into account past experience when adopting final measures to be taken operationally.
However, it was felt important to share this information as it may alleviate some of the operational restrictions railway undertakings otherwise would possibly have had to implement. Railway undertakings are still urged to take into account past experience when adopting final measures to be taken operationally.
These current preliminary results should be taken as an additional data point in the larger picture.