CPL conversions
A CPL cannot be converted. To obtain an EASA CPL as a third country CPL licence holder, the candidate can apply for reduced training through a training organisation to have the training (both theoretical and flight training) reduced. The training organisation will through an assessment determine how much training that may be reduced (both theoretical and flight training) and then apply for reduced training to the Swedish Transport Agency.
Candidates choosing the option of reduced training must fulfil the requirements below in order to be issued a CPL:
- Fulfil the CPL experience requirements (modular)
- Fulfil the requirements for the issue of the relevant class or type rating, in accordance with subpart H in regulation (EU) 1178/2011
- Pass a full EASA CPL or ATPL theoretical examination
- Obtain an EASA medical certificate class 1
- Obtain an EASA language proficiency, minimum level 4
- Pass an EASA CPL skill test, in accordance with regulation (EU) 1178/2011
Use the service below to retrieve the training organisations who provide training to CPL.