For students at a non-Swedish training organisation

This page contains information of how you as a student at a non-Swedish training organisation can take the theoretical examination for the Swedish Transport Agency.

The Swedish Transport Agency offers the possibility for you as a student at a training organisation in another EASA member state to take the theoretical examination for the Swedish Transport Agency.


The form below is used to apply for the theoretical examination. Please note that the form only should be sent as the training organisation have issued recommendations for you. Copies of the certificate and the certificate attachment shall be sent along with the application. The Swedish Transport Agency will then verify the application with your training organisation.

There may be a need to send multiple applications during the course as recommendations often are issued in segments.

Theoretical examination registration – pilot students at non-Swedish training organisations

Examinations to ATPL and CPL

Examinations to ATPL and CPL can only be written at the facilities of a training organisation with an approval from the Swedish Transport Agency and which are authorised to conduct training to ATPL- and CPL-licences, or another facility approved by the Swedish Transport Agency. The Swedish training organisations have no obligation to allow students from other training organisations to take examinations in their facilities. Further, the examination will also have to be written with an invigilator who is authorised to conduct ATPL- and CPL-examinations.

This means that you as an ATPL- or CPL-student should ensure that you have somewhere to take your examinations prior to applying. Use the link below to get to our list of invigilators.

List of the Swedish Transport Agency invigilators


If you need to take a re-test you will have to send us a new application. The form shall be sent when your training organisation has recommended you for a re-test. The Swedish Transport Agency will then send you a confirmation via e-mail when the examinations are opened and a new attempt can be made.