EASA Part-66 Licenced Aircraft Engineer

Here you will find information for EASA Part-66 Licenced AIrcraft Engineers and mechanics.

Basic Requirements

In order to work as a EASA Licenced Aircraft Engineer, you must first acquire basic knowledge. The basic knowledge can be obtained at an EASA Part-147 organization, i.e. an educational institution that offers aviation maintenane education for aviation students.

Afterwards you need to get basic practical experience. The practical basic experience can be achieved by accomplish practical experience at an EASA Part-145 or EASA-CAU maintenance organization.

When you have the basic knowledge and the basic practical experience, you can apply for a EASA Part-66 Aircraft Maintenance Licence (AML) with the Swedish Transport Agency.

The Part-66 Aircraft Maintanance Licence gives you the privilege to work as a certifying staff in EASA aircraft maintenance organizations, you can also work as an individual EASA Licenced Aircraft Engineer on non-complex aircraft.

Explanation and language translation of content in EASA Part-66 Aircraft Maintenance licence 

Due to the introduction of regulatory change (EU) 2018/1142 for continued airworthiness, the template for the EASA Part-66 licence  (EASA form 26) has been expanded with more categories and also with more text.

This means that the certificate becomes very difficult to read, as the text must be reduced in the template to accommodate all the information.

For that reason, the Swedish Transport Agency has decided to remove the Swedish text from the certificates and only follow the regulatory requirement from EASA.

There it is described that the certificate must be designed with English text. To still be clear, a translation table has been produced based on the divisions found in the template. More information can be found in the document Explanation and language translation of EASA Part-66 aircraft maintenance licence  (form 26) according to Part-66:

Förklaring och språköversättning av flygteknikercertifikat (blankett 26) enligt Del-66.

Delivery of EASA Part-66 licences

The Swedish Transport Agency send out the Part-66 certificate to the registered civil registry address.

If you are registered outside Sweden, the Swedish Transport Agency sends the certificate to the address you are registered at abroad.

It is also possible to pick up the Part-66 licence at the Swedish Transport Agency's reception in Norrköping on presentation of an approved ID document or the equivalent by agreement in advance.

Part-66 certificates with a civil registration address are sent abroad in a "registered letter" with a tracking number.

For further questions and if it is difficult to get through by phone, you always have the option of sending an e-mail to our FAQ e-mail: flygtekniker@transportstyrelsen.se

Handling times

How quickly your application is handled by the Swedish Transport Agency depends on what the application is about and how complete your application is. The processing time for a complete application is less than/approximately to 2 weeks.

Contact persons EASA Part-66 licensing office 

Krister Bratt: krister.bratt@transportstyrelsen.se

Fredrik Alsne: fredrik.alsne@transportstyrelsen.se

Phone: +46 (0)771-503 503

FAQ enquiries Part-66

E-mail: flygtekniker@transportstyrelsen.se

Visiting Address to:

Olai Kyrkogata 35, 601 73 Norrköping

Address for applications to:

Transportstyrelsen, Olai Kyrkogata 35, Luftfartsavdelningen, Del-66,

601 73 Norrköping