
An air Services Agreement between the Government of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay and the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden was signed in 1981.

The agreement was signed on 18 December 1981. 

Designation principle

Single designation 

Traffic rights for designated airline of Sweden

From Stockholm to Montevideo and points beyond, via intermediate points in Europe, Africa and South America and vice versa. 

Capacity provisions

The right of the designated airline of either contracting party to embark or disembark at a point in the territory of the other Contracting Party international traffic , which should be of supplementary character, destined for or coming from third countries (fifth freedom), shall be in accordance with the principles that such capacity shall be related to:

a) traffic demands between the territory of the Contracting Party designating the airline and the points on the specified routes;

b) traffic requirements of the areas through which the airline passes, after taking into account other transport services established by airlines of the States comprising the area; and

c) the requirements of an economic operation of the agreed services. 

Uruguay has concluded a horizontal air service agreement with EU

EU’s horizontal agreement aims at bringing all Member States bilateral agreements with Uruguay to be in line with certain EU provisions. This means that some of the articles in the bilateral agreement between Sweden and Uruguay no longer applies, since they are replaced by the provisions in the horizontal agreement.