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FAQ flight training and licensing - I hold a license
On this page we have gathered questions and answers in the area of flight training and licensing.
Aviation / Flight training and licensing
Authorisation of rail vehicles
When you plan to put a new, upgraded, renewed or imported railway vehicle into service in Sweden before 31 October 2020, you have to send an application
Railroad / Till dig i branschen
Requirements on On Board Control Command and Signalling systems (CCS)
Requirements for authorisation Requirements for the Swedish part of the rail system within the European Union, including vehicles, are found in the Railway
Railroad / Technical authorisation
Blankett TSJ7023: Self declaration for independent assessor
Railroad / Forms for railway
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Blankett TSV7041: Application for recognition of professional qualifications for education leader
Road / Forms for road
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Blankett TSL7042: EASA form 50
This form is intended for organisations that wish to apply for permission to produce materials for aircraft in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 748/2012
Aviation / Forms for aviation
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Blankett TSL7129: Application for check of Criminal Records
This form is for employees that is going to work with aviation that is required a check of criminal records.
Aviation / Forms for aviation
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Blankett BSL14368: Examiner application form and senior examiners report
This form is intended for examiners applying for initial issue, extension, revalidation or renewal of an examiner certificate.
Aviation / Forms for aviation
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Blankett TSL7570: Report form for the CPL H skill test
This form is intended to be used as a record by pilots and examiners during skill tests for Commercial Pilot License (CPL) for helicopters.
Aviation / Forms for aviation
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Blankett TSL7187: Report form for the type rating instructor and synthetic flight instructorcheck according to JAR FCL 1subpart h amendment 7
This form is intended for pilots and examiners at the initial issue, extension of privileges, revalidation and renewal of Type Rating Instructor (TRI)
Aviation / Forms for aviation
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Blankett TSL7040: EASA form 12
This form is intended for organisations wishing to apply for an initial Part 147 approval or changes to such an approval.
Aviation / Forms for aviation
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Blankett TSL7663: Application form for language proficiency endorsement
This form is intended for pilots and language assessors when applying for a language proficiency endorsement.
Aviation / Forms for aviation
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Blankett L1796: 406 MHz Distress Beacon Registration
Aviation / Forms for aviation
Blankett TSL7643: Application for exemption
This form is intended for owners and operators of aircraft applying for an exemption from the requirement that the owner of the aircraft be an EEA citizen
Aviation / Forms for aviation
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Blankett L1722: Air traffic incident report
This form is intended for those who, in accordance with LFS 2007:68, are required to report an aviation occurrence. It is also possible to report aviation
Aviation / Forms for aviation
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Blankett L1378: Bird strike reporting form
This form is intended for those who, in accordance with LFS 2007:68, are required to report an aviation occurrence. It is also possible to report aviation
Aviation / Forms for aviation
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Blankett : SAFA Report a failure of foreign aircraft
Have you travelled with a foreign airline and seen or experienced something that you think might have affected flight safety? If you wish to report it,
Aviation / Forms for aviation
Notification of aircraft operator
If an aircraft is used by someone who is not the registered owner during an indefinite period of time or during a definite period of time of at least one
Aviation / Aircraft
Infrastruktūru lietošanas maksa
Zviedrijā pastāv infrastruktūru lietošanas maksas sistēma Mūtālā (Motala), Sundsvallā (Sundsvall) un Skūrubrūnā (Skurubron), kas savieno Stokholmu (Stockholm
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Podatki z tytułu zatorów komunikacyjnych w Sztokholmie i Göteborgu
W Szwecji istnieje system podatków z tytułu zatorów komunikacyjnych w Sztokholmie i Göteborgu. Podatek dotyczy pojazdów zarejestrowanych w Szwecji i w
About-us / Other languages
Mestské mýto v Štokholme a Göteborgu
Vo Švédsku existuje systém mestského mýta v Štokholme a Göteborgu. Mestské mýto sa vzťahuje na vozidlá registrované vo Švédsku aj v zahraničí. Účelom
About-us / Other languages
Rootsis on Motala, Sundsvalli ja Skurubroni piirkondades kasutusel taristumaksude süsteem, need alad ühendavad Stockholmi Nacka idaosa ja Värmdöga. Taristumaks
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Infrastrukturne pristojbe
U Švedskoj postoji sustav infrastrukturnih pristojbi u gradovima Motala, Sundsvall i Skurubron koje povezuju Stockholm sa istočnom Nacka-om i Värmdö-om
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Pedaggi urbani a Stoccolma e Göteborg
A Stoccolma e Göteborg, in Svezia, vige un sistema di pedaggi urbani (tasse sulla congestione) che vengono applicati ai veicoli immatricolati in Svezia
About-us / Other languages
In Zweden maakt men gebruik van een systeem voor infrastructuurheffingen in de stad Motala, Sundsvall en bij de brug Skurubron die Stockholm met het oosten
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