Automated vehicles

The Swedish Transport Agency issues permits for trial operations with automated vehicles on public roads. Anyone who seeks permission must be able to prove that the operation can be conducted in a traffic-safe manner.

The Swedish Government has decided on an ordinance on trial operation with automated vehicles. The ordinance states that trial operations with automated vehicles may only be carried out with permission from the Swedish Transport Agency. We also have the right to assign a permit with terms and conditions.

The Swedish Government considers it important that Sweden is a country where new innovative technology for sustainable transport can be tested. The purpose of the ordinance is to create better conditions for trial operation with automated vehicles. The ordinance states that when tests are performed with a automated vehicle, there must be a physical driver inside or outside the vehicle and that a person who conducts trial operation without a permit will be fined.

Do you want to conduct trial operation?

If you want to conduct a trial operation, you will need a permit. Please contact us via our form Letter of interest as early as possible. We will then invite you to a meeting free of charge where we talk about what we expect of an application, and you will get the chance to present your trial operation and the opportunity to ask questions. The purpose of the meeting is to ensure that the following permit process will be as efficient as possible.

One of the basic conditions for obtaining a permit is that you can prove that you can conduct the trial operation in a traffic-safe manner. You do this by showing that all risks with the trial are taken care of. The automated functions of the trial must be described and proven to be safe for those in the vehicle and the surroundings. You will find the regulation for the permit process in TSFS 2021:4 and information about the application process and clarification of the requirements in our supplementary information.

If the application concerns trials where technical systems are used to a large extent to ensure traffic safety, it may facilitate the processing to hire an independent assessor who assesses that traffic safety can be ensured.

Automatic functions are evaluated based on the vehicle's ability to function independently, both lateral and longitudinal control included. In addition, it is considered whether the functionality fits within existing definitions and possible type approval.

In order to facilitate the application process, the Swedish Transport Agency has produced a number of supporting documents that can be used, but the applicant is completely free to rely on the documents and the information that is relevant for the handling of the case.

Fees and charges

Increased fees

The Swedish Transport Agency increases fees for all modes of transportation. As of January 1 2024, the rate, which has been the same since 2011, is now being raised from SEK 1,400 to SEK 1,700.

The Swedish Transport Agency's activities in the form of permit processing, supervision and registry keeping shall mainly be financed with fees. The Swedish Transport Agency will charge a running fee to process a permit for trial operation with automated vehicles.

Current hourly rate.

  1. The applicant's contact information and the names of the persons responsible for the trial activities, as well as their addresses and personal or corporate identity numbers.
  2. Description of how the trial operation should be managed and how responsibility should be distributed within the trial operation team.
  3. Overall description of the purpose and objectives of the trial operation.
  4. Description of the fully or partially automated functions to be tested and evaluated in the trial.
  5. Description of how the trial operation will be carried out and evaluated.
  6. Information about the geographical area and the streets or roads where the trial operation will be conducted and name of the road keeper.
  7. Risk assessment showing that the risks associated with the trial operation are managed to an acceptable level and that the trial operation will not cause any significant inconvenience to the surroundings.
  8. The name(s) of the owner(s) of the vehicles included in the trial.
  9. Technical description of the vehicles included in the trial.
  10. Need for exemption under Chapter 8 Section 18 of the Swedish Vehicle Ordinance (2009:211).
  11. Any other information relevant to the processing of permits.