Registration certificates

In this section, you can find out more about your vehicle's registration certificate and what you can use it for.

A registration certificate is issued for every vehicle registered in Sweden. The registration certificate has comprised two parts since 2004: Part 1 of the registration certificate and Part 2 of the registration certificate.

A registration certificate can be ordered via

If you order a duplicate, the previous registration certificate issued will become invalid.

We will send out a registration certificate when a new vehicle owner is registered or if any of the information included on the registration certificate is changed. If the vehicle is owned by a minor (person under 18 years of age) who is not authorised to drive the vehicle, the registration certificate will be sent to the custodian registered in the Swedish Road Traffic Registry.

Part 1 of the registration certificate – technical details and other information

Part 1 is sent to the person who owns or uses the vehicle. It is free and will be sent directly to the address registered in the Swedish Road Traffic Registry. In cases where the vehicle has a note regarding leasing, Part 1 of the registration certificate will be sent to the person using the vehicle (that is, the lessee).

Part 1 of the registration certificate includes the following:

  • an authorisation code that is required if you wish to make an application via or via our service telephone,
  • information about who owns or uses the vehicle,
  • information about leasing or credit purchases,
  • technical information about the vehicle,
  • general information about the vehicle,
  • the part that should be used when making a written application to:
    - license a vehicle for use,
    - make an off road notification,
    - order plates,
    - order Part 2 of the registration certificate.

Part 2 of the registration certificate – a valuable document

Part 2 is sent to the person who owns the vehicle according to the Swedish Road Traffic Registry. If the vehicle includes a note regarding leasing, Part 2 will be sent to the lessor. Part 2 of the registration certificate is a valuable document and must always be sent in with an application for a change of ownership, even in cases where the change of ownership is made to a car dealer.

Part 2 of the registration certificate includes the following:

  • details about the current owner of the vehicle,
  • details about previous owners/users of the vehicle (no more than three),
  • general information about the vehicle,
  • the part that is used when applying in writing for:
    - a change of ownership,
    - deregistration.

Do you require a duplicate of Part 2 of the registration certificate?

There are two alternatives:

  1. You can place an order here on our website and choose cash on delivery. You can then pay for the duplicate when you collect it from one of PostNord distribution points within a period of four or five working days. This will cost SEK 185. Your identity will be checked when you collect the certificate. 
  2. You can place an order via our website and identify yourself using e-identity. We will send the duplicate directly to the address registered in the Swedish Road Traffic Registry, which will take up to two or three working days. There will be no charge if you chose this option.

Travelling abroad

Will you be travelling abroad with your vehicle? Remember that you must take your registration certificate with you. If you have a harmonised EU registration certificate, you will only need to take Part 1 with you.

Harmonised EU registration certificates since 2004

When you receive a new certificate, you should destroy the old one. If you have not received a harmonised EU registration certificate, your old one will still be valid. 

Registration certificate, Part 1, picture 
Registration certificate, Part 1   

Registration certificate, Part 2, picture 
Registration certificate, Part 2

Why is there a new registration certificate?

The background to the harmonised EU registration certificate is a decision made at an EU level that all Member States are to have similar registration certificates (EU Directive 1999/37/EC). This will make it easier to check other countries' vehicle details.

It is hoped that the harmonised EU registration certificate will lead to increased freedom of movement for international road transport, improved road safety and prevent illegal trade in vehicles.

What distinguishes the harmonised EU registration certificate from the old version?

The harmonised EU registration certificate has the same functions and largely includes the same information as the old one. These are the most important changes: 

  • The new registration certificate comprises two documents (Part 1 and Part 2) as opposed to the previous document, which only comprised one part. 
  • The new registration certificate has a number of different security marks that make counterfeiting more difficult, such as watermarks. 
  • Part 2 of the registration certificate must be treated as a valuable document. 
  • A Certificate of Destruction can no longer be issued on the registration certificate, but must be provided as a separate document.
  • Previous owners of the vehicle will be printed out on Part 2 of the registration certificate.