
An air transport agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines was signed in 1969.

The agreement was signed on 8 May 1969. A Confidential Memorandum of Understanding (CMoU) regarding traffic rights and capacity regime was signed on 14 May 1981. It has been approved by the Swedish Government. 

Designation principle

Single designation 

Traffic rights for airline designated by Sweden (CMoU of 14 May 1981)

Point of departure; Stockholm.

Intermediate points; Oslo, Copenhagen, Vienna, two points in the USSR, Karachi, Calcutta, New Deli, Bangkok.

Destination; Manila. 

Except for the points of departure and destination, any or some of the intermediate points specified may be omitted on any or all flights. 

Capacity regime (CMoU of 14 May 1981)

The designated airline of Sweden shall have no right to pick up or put down any traffic between Karachi and Manila. It shall have the limited and non-cumulative right to carry traffic (inclusive of stop-over traffic) between Bangkok and Manila up to a maximum of only 37 passengers per week, in each direction. 

The designated airline of the Philippines, on the one hand, and the designated airline of Sweden, on the other, shall each be entitled to operate not more than two (2) frequencies per week on the agreed routes with the use of the DC-10 aircraft. The designated airline of Sweden may operate the B747 aircraft after the designated airline of the Philippines shall have operated the B747 aircraft between Manila, on the one hand, and Copenhagen and/or Oslo and/or Stockholm on the other.

Philippines has concluded a horizontal air service agreement with EU

EU’s horizontal agreement aims at bringing all Member States bilateral agreements with Philippines to be in line with certain EU provisions. This means that some of the articles in the bilateral agreement between Sweden and Philippines no longer applies, since they are replaced by the provisions in the horizontal agreement.