An Euro-Mediterranean aviation agreement between the EU, its Member States and the Kingdom of Morocco was signed on 12 December 2006. This agreement supersedes the relevant provisions of the existing bilateral agreements between Morocco and the Member States.
However, existing traffic rights agreed in these bilateral agreements which are not covered under the Euro-Mediterranean agreement may continue to be exercised, provided that there is no discrimination between the Member States and their nationals.
The Agreement has not yet entered into force. However Sweden has ratified the Agreement and the EU has approved the provisional application of the Agreement. Sweden may administratively apply the provisions of the Agreement on the basis of reciprocity.
The information below is taken from the Euro-Mediterranean agreement in the field of aviation between the European Community, its Member States and the Kingdom of Morocco.
Designation principle
Multiple designation
Traffic rights for air carriers of the European Community
For air carriers of the European Community:
Points in the European Community - one or more points in Morocco - points beyond
Air Carriers of the European Community are authorised to exercise the traffic rights specified above between Morocco and points located beyond, provided that these services originate or terminate in the territory of the European Community and that, in relation to passenger services, these points are located in the countries of the European Neighbourhood Policy.
Air carriers of the European Community are authorised, for the services to/from Morocco, to serve more than one point on the same service (co-terminalisation) and to exercise the right of stop-over between these points.
The countries of the European Neighbourhood Policy are: Algeria, Armenia, the Palestinian Authority, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldavia, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Ukraine. The points located in the countries of the Neighbourhood policy can also be used as intermediate points.
The designated airline may at any or all flights, omit calling at any of the above points provided that the service originates or terminates in the territory of a Member State of the European Community.
Capacity provisions, etc.
Each Contracting Party shall allow each air carrier to determine the frequency and capacity of the international air transport it offers based upon commercial considerations in the marketplace. Consistent with this right, neither Contracting Party shall unilaterally limit the volume of traffic, frequency or regulatory of service, or the aircraft type or types operated by the air carriers of the other Contracting Party, except for customs, technical, operational, environmental or protection of health reasons.
Any air carrier may perform international air transport without any limitation as to change, on all points of the specified routes, in the type of aircraft operated.
The leasing with crew (wet-leasing) by a Moroccan air carrier of an aircraft of an airline company of a third country, or, by an air carrier of the European Community, of an aircraft of an airline company of a third country other that those mentioned in Annex V, in order to exploit the rights envisaged in this Agreement, must remain exceptional or meet temporary needs. It shall be submitted for prior approval of the authority having delivered the license of this leasing air carrier and to the competent authority of the other Contracting Party.