Guidelines that support the convention
13 of the guidelines have been adopted:
1. Guidelines for ballast water management equivalent
(Resolution MEPC.123(53))
2. Guidelines for ballast water exchange
(Resolution MEPC.124(53))
3. Guidelines for approval of ballast water management systems
(Resolution MEPC.125(53))
4. Procedure for approval of ballast water management systems
that make use of active substances
(Resolution MEPC.126(53))
5. Guidelines for ballast water management and the development
of ballast water management plans
(Resolution MEPC.127(53))
6. Guidelines for approval and oversight of prototype ballast
water treatment technology programmes
(Resolution MEPC.140(54))
7. Guidelines for ballast water exchange design and
construction standards
(Resolution MEPC.149(55))
8. Guidelines on design and construction to facilitate
sediment control on ships
(Resolution MEPC.150(55))
9. Guidelines on designation of areas for ballast water
(Resolution MEPC.151(55))
10. Guidelines for sediment reception facilities
(Resolution MEPC.152(55))
11. Guidelines for ballast water reception facilities
(Resolution MEPC.153(55))
12. Guidelines for risk assessment under regulation A-4
(Resolution MEPC.162(56))
13. Guidelines for additional measures regarding ballast water
management including emergency situations
(Resolution MEPC.161(56))
In July 2007 IMO adopted interim guidelines for ballast water exchange for ships in the Antarctic Treaty Area – applicable while awaiting the entering into force of the Ballast Water Management Convention. Also in this case the guidelines have to be incorporated into Swedish law in order to be applicable for Swedish ships. “Guidelines for ballast water exchange in the Antarctic Treaty area" were adopted as IMO resolution MEPC.163(56). The guidelines recommend that ships that need to discharge ballast water in the Antarctic waters exchange there ballast north of the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone, and at least 200 nautical miles from the nearest land in water at least 200 metres deep. The Guidelines also recommend that each vessel entering Antarctic waters keep a record of ballast water operations and that at Ballast Water Management Plan is prepared for each vessel with ballast tanks.