Congestion taxes in Stockholm and Gothenburg
In Sweden there is a system of congestion taxes in Stockholm and Gothenburg. The tax applies to vehicles registered in and outside of Sweden.
Hours and amounts for congestion taxes
Hours and amounts in Gothenburg
Hours and amounts in Stockholm
Vehicles registered abroad
Concerning vehicles registered abroad, the Swedish Transport Agency has entrusted a notification partner to identify the vehicle owners, send them invoices and receive payments via EPASS24.
Vehicle registered in Sweden
Via our e-service for congestion tax and infrastructure charges (in Swedish only) you can keep track of how many tolling stations your vehicle has passed and the invoices you need to pay.
In order to log on to the service you will need the vehicle registration number and the authorisation code or your digital ID (in Swedish: "e-legitimation"). You will find the authorisation code (in Swedish: "behörighetskod") on your registration certificate.
Congestion tax - show information
Paying the congestion tax
If your car is registered in Sweden, you can pay congestion tax in one of the following ways:
- direct debit (in Swedish: "autogiro")
- electronic invoice (in Swedish: "e-faktura")
- payment slip
Read more about paying the congestion tax.
Exceptions from congestion tax
Cars, lorries and buses are all liable to congestion tax. However, emergency vehicles, EC mobile cranes and buses with a total weight of at least 14 tonnes, motorbikes and mopeds are not liable to the tax.
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