Mandatory Vessel Reporting

Ships bound for a Swedish port or anchorage and ships carrying dangerous or polluting goods departing from a Swedish port or anchorage shall fulfil certain reporting requirements. The reporting is mandatory and shall be notified electronically in the Swedish vessel reporting system called SafeSeaNet Sweden (former FRS), which is operated by the Swedish Maritime Administration (SMA).

There are different ways of notifying the information to SafeSeaNet Sweden (SSNS):

  1. manual input via the SMA’s web application, or
  2. automatic transfer through standards assigned solutions (XML or Edifact)

In order to make a report to SafeSeaNet Sweden, you require an authorization. You apply for permission to E-services at the Swedish Maritime Administration.

Other notifications or reporting

There may be other requirements on reporting different information than what is mentioned here depending on the ship’s cargo, different activities etc.

Rules and regulations

From the 30th of November 2010 new regulations (TSFS 2010:159) are in force. You may download the regulations or the adherent directives below: