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Motor vehicle inspection
The inspection regulations were changed on 20 May 2018. The regulations are an adaptation to the EU legislation and concern all vehicles. Passenger cars
Road / Vehicles
Dangerous goods
A substance or a product can be dangerous or not dangerous. A substance or a product that is not dangerous per se may become dangerous, depending on the
Aviation / Air operators
Driving licences
The Swedish Transport Agency is the central agency for driving licences. The Swedish Transport Agency and the Swedish Transport Administration share the
Road / Driving licences
ICAO three letter and telephony designators
Latest assigned ICAO three-letter and telephony designators. Civil callsigns Aircraft Operator Three-letter designator Radiotelephone designator Valid
Aviation / Airport, air navigation service and airspace
The Swedish Transport Agency is responsible for the information that are published in IAIP (Integrated Aeronautical Information Package), according to
Aviation / Airport, air navigation service and airspace
UK Cabin Crew Attestation due to Brexit
UK issued Cabin Crew Attestation has on 1 January 2021, become a third-country document and is no longer valid on an aircraft operated by a CAT operator
Aviation / Flight training and licensing
Third country licence conversions and validations
This page contains information concerning valid third country licence (non-EASA licences) conversions and validations. As a holder of a third country licence
Aviation / Flight training and licensing
Here you can find information regarding aviation security. Check of criminal records for aviation security Security Contact Information - Foreign Air
Aviation / Security
Train driver
The Swedish Transport Agency handles issues concerning train driver's licence. You can contact us about application, withdrawal, health checks, lost/destroyed
Railroad / Train driver