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Registered professional importer and professional manufacturer
Anyone importing a large number of vehicles that have become registered in the Swedish Road Traffic Registry or who is the representative of a foreign
Road / Vehicles
Self-assembled trailer
Here you may find information for those who have built a trailer but are not registered with the Swedish Transport Agency as a professional manufacturer
Road / Vehicles
The vehicle was acquired from the Swedish Armed Forces
Here you may find information on how to register a vehicle acquired from the Swedish Armed Forces (an army vehicle). If you have bought a vehicle that
Road / Vehicles
Driving licence categories
Age requirements and the vehicles you may drive with the different licence categories. CategoryAge requirementsEntitles the licence holder to drive
Road / Driving licences
New interpretation concerning crediting of theoretical knowledge
The Swedish Transport Agency has obtained a new interpretation concerning crediting of theoretical knowledge from EASA regarding the subject 090-Communications
Aviation / Flight training and licensing
Blankett TSL7679: EBT practical assessment - Revalidation and renewal of type ratings and IRs
Aviation / Forms for aviation
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Cargo residues
Ships are obligated to deliver all cargo residues to a port reception facility. Unloaders and receivers of oil- or chemical cargo and ports as well as
Shipping / Miljö och hälsa
Blankett TSS7081: Declaration of performance of statutory certification and services
Shipping / Forms for shipping
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Blankett TSV7086: Application for approval of alcohol interlock
Road / Forms for road
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Blankett TSTRY1211: Application for car rental permit
Road / Forms for road
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Cars emitting large amounts of CO2 will be burdened with higher vehicle tax - malus - for three years from the date when the car first becomes taxable.
Road / Vehicles
Motor vehicle inspection of motorcycles that are 40 years old or more
New inspection regulations were introduced on 20 May 2018. This means that motorcycles that are 40 years old or more may be exempt from inspection. A prerequisite
Road / Vehicles
Motor vehicle inspection of amateur-built vehicles
The inspection regulations were changed on 20 May 2018. Amateur-built vehicles are to be inspected according to the regulations for the respective vehicle
Road / Vehicles
Vehicles on islands
Vehicles located on small islands without a fixed link and with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants, shall be exempt from periodic motor vehicle inspection. No
Road / Vehicles
Blankett TSS7080: Engaging recognised organisation - company
Shipping / Forms for shipping
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FAQ flight training and licensing - Is it possible to have an SFI issued
On this page we have gathered questions and answers in the area of flight training and licensing.
Aviation / Flight training and licensing
How we take care of your privacy - We use cookies
Here you will find information about how the Transport Agency deals with personal data.
About-us / About the site
Import categories
In your application for verification of origin you should state the category that best describes the origin of your vehicle or the reason for import. The
Road / Vehicles
Authorisation of infrastructure for railway, metro and tram
Application for authorisation When you plan to put a new, upgraded or renewed rail infrastructure in service you should contact the Swedish Transport Agency
Railroad / Till dig i branschen
Vehicle import and verification of origin - VI - STEP 1
If you own a vehicle that you would like to register in Sweden your first step in the registration process is to apply for verification of origin.
Road / Vehicles
Vehicle import and verification of origin - VI - STEP 2
If you own a vehicle that you would like to register in Sweden your first step in the registration process is to apply for verification of origin.
Road / Vehicles
Regulations on service of life-saving equipment
SOLAS amendments The IMO's Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) made a number of amendments to SOLAS (The International Convention for the Safety of Life at
Shipping / Fartyg
Import from an EU country
Below you may find information about how to register a vehicle from another EU country. List of EU member states If the vehicle is new If your vehicle
Road / Vehicles
Names of operating stations
It is important for railway safety that every operating station has its own unique name and abbreviation. This, combined with good conversation discipline
/ Till dig i branschen
Requirements on wagons
Transitional rule on using independent reviewers According to the transition rule to the Railway Technology Act (2022:366), older regulations may be applied
Railroad / Technical authorisation