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Blankett TSL7641: Bill of sale
This form is intended for sellers of aircraft to verify the transfer of ownership to the buyer.
Aviation / Forms for aviation
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Blankett L1592: Accident/Serious Incident Reporting Form for Powered Aircraft
This form is intended for owners, operators and pilots in command (PIC) whose engine-driven aircraft has crashed or been involved in a serious incident
Aviation / Forms for aviation
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Interim registration
The aircraft can be given an interim registration, if the aircraft has to be flown to Sweden before the Swedish inspection of airworthiness has taken place
Aviation / Aircraft
To register distress beacons
Information about how to register distress beacons. ELT406-emergency-transmitter To code a distress beacon The ELT406 MHz distress beacon is programmed
Aviation / Aircraft
EU agreements
On this page information concerning agreements related to air services between the European Union and third countries is published. States EU has comprehensive
Aviation / Air operators
Transport of forbidden dangerous goods
Transport of dangerous goods by air is regulated by the Swedish Act on Transport of Dangerous Goods (2006:263), the Ordinance on Transport of Dangerous
Aviation / Air operators
Bilateral issues - notifications
Information to all EU- and EEA- air carriers established in Sweden. Ongoing negotiations/consultations: Brazil (by correspondence), regarding seventh
Aviation / Air operators
Temporary registration
This section provides general information about temporary registration. For instance, you can find out about who can apply and what different kinds of
Road / Vehicles
Making an off road notification for a vehicle
If you are not going to use a vehicle, you can make an off road notification. You then do not have to pay vehicle tax or traffic insurance. Please note
Road / Vehicles
Данък задръстване в Стокхолм и Гьотеборг
В Швеция има система за данък задръстване в Стокхолм и Гьотеборг. Данъкът касае превозни средства, регистрирани в и извън Швеция. Целта на данъка задръстване
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Ummikumaksud Stockholmis ja Göteborgis
Rootsis kehtib Stockholmis ja Göteborgis ummikumaksude süsteem. Maksu kohaldatakse Rootsis ja väljaspool Rootsit registreeritud sõidukitele. Ummikumaksu
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Dirección Nacional de Transportes de Suecia (Transportstyrelsen)
Dirección Nacional de Transportes de Suecia trabaja para garantizar buena accesibilidad, alta calidad y transportes seguros y compatibles con el medio
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Contacte con la Dirección Nacional de Transportes de Suecia
Siempre que necesite comunicarse con nosotros puede llamar a la centralita de la Dirección Nacional de Transportes de Suecia, teléfono 0771-503 503.
About-us / Other languages
Taxes d’embouteillage à Stockholm et à Göteborg
En Suède, il existe un système de taxes d'embouteillage à Stockholm et à Göteborg. La taxe s'applique aux véhicules immatriculés en Suède et à l'étranger
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Infrastruktūros mokesčiai
Švedijoje infrastruktūros mokesčių sistema veikia Mutaloje, Sundsvalyje ir ties Skurubron tiltu, jungiančiu Stokholmą su rytine Nacka ir Värmdö. Infrastruktūros
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Transporto kamščių mokestis Stokholme ir Geteborge
Švedijoje, Stokholme ir Geteborge yra taikomas transporto kamščių mokestis. Mokestis taikomas Švedijoje ir užsienyje registruotoms transporto priemonėms
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Blankett TSS7762: Application for change of ownership of a boat
Shipping / Forms for shipping
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Blankett TSL7783: Appendix to TSL7077 – ZFTT and Aircraft training record
Aviation / Forms for aviation
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Soomaali (Somali)
Guddiga qaabilsan arrimaha gaadiidka[Transportstyrelsen] waxey shaqadooda tahay in ey u fududeeyaan, tayada kordhiyaan, ey hubiyaan iyo deegaanka u waafajiyaan
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(Southern Kurdish) كوردی
About the Swedish Transport Agency - (pdf-file) - ده رباره ی به ڕێوه به رايه تی گواستنه وه Contact the Swedish Transport Agency - (pdf-file) - په يوه
About-us / Other languages
Srpski (Serbian)
Uprava za transportne usluge (Transportstyrelsen) Zadatak Uprave za transportne usluge (Transportstyrelsen) je da dostigne zadovoljavajuću pristupačnost
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Português (Portuguese)
Taxas de utilização da infraestrutura Impostos sobre o congestionamento em Estocolmo e Gotemburgo
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Français (French)
Redevances d’utilisation d’infrastructures Taxes d'embouteillage à Stockholm et à Göteborg
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Polski (Polish)
Podatek za wjazd do strefy wzmożonego ruchu w Sztokholmie i Göteborgu Opłaty za użytkowanie infrastruktury
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