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Vehicles on islands
Vehicles located on small islands without a fixed link and with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants, shall be exempt from periodic motor vehicle inspection. No
Road / Vehicles
Import categories
In your application for verification of origin you should state the category that best describes the origin of your vehicle or the reason for import. The
Road / Vehicles
Application for verification of origin
The service Application for verification of origin consists of four steps, where you will be asked to enter information about you and your vehicle. The
Road / Vehicles
How we take care of your privacy
Here you will find information about how the Transport Agency deals with personal data. The Swedish Transport Agency is the controller responsible for
About-us / About the site
Vehicle import and verification of origin - VI - STEP 2
If you own a vehicle that you would like to register in Sweden your first step in the registration process is to apply for verification of origin.
Road / Vehicles
Frequently asked questions about the exemption for congestion tax in Backa, Gothenburg - How will the exemption work?
On May 1, 2018, an exemption from congestion tax for the Backa area in Gothenburg will begin. The exception means that only transit traffic through the Backa area will be taxed.
Road / Vehicles
Frequently asked questions about the exemption for congestion tax in Backa, Gothenburg - Why has it taken so long to reach a decision on the Backa exemption?
On May 1, 2018, an exemption from congestion tax for the Backa area in Gothenburg will begin. The exception means that only transit traffic through the Backa area will be taxed.
Road / Vehicles
FAQ - For how long is detailed information about vehicle passages stored?
FAQ concerning congestion tax in Stockholm
/ Fordon
Frequently asked questions about infrastructure charge - Different tolls for different vehicles
Cars, light goods vehicles (max total weight 3.5 tonnes), buses (total weight of max 3.5 tonnes) and heavy goods vehicles (over 3.5 tonnes) have to pay the bridge tolls. The toll is per crossing and is charged 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
...Road / Vehicles
Frequently asked questions about infrastructure charge - How do I pay?
You are not able to stop and pay at the control point. When you drive your vehicle past a control point, you pass a camera that takes a picture of your vehicle's registration plate. The picture is sent to the Swedish Transport Agency where the veh...
Road / Vehicles