An approval authority that has granted a type approval shall take the necessary measures to verify that the manufacturer produces the vehicles, systems, components or separate technical units in conformity with the approved type.
The requirements are verified by carrying out a revision (Conformity of Production) where you need to verify that you have procedures to ensure that you are able to manufacture your product in the same way as the type approved product.
This requirements is applicable for all type approvals, both EU and UNECE-regulation.
How does it work in practice?
We require that the manufacturer provides documentation that shows that the requirements are met.
The documentation consists of an assessment report from a quality revision, called Conformity of Production (CoP). The revision can only be made by a technical service (Category C) approved by us. The manufacturer chooses which Technical Service (Category C) they wish to use.
Links to Swedish Transport Agency appointed technical services.
What documentation do you need?
The technical service you have an agreement with will do a quality audit (CoP-audit). From the CoP-audit the technical service writes a report that they share with you. Any deviations from the audit must be closed before the documentation can be used.
We will then ask you for this report to issue a new CoP-clearance with a new expiry date. Within the new expiry date you will need to perform a new CoP-audit.
It is possible, after an agreement with your technical service, that they handle the communication with us on your behalf.
Reporting of other matters?
If a manufacturer for example changes name, assembly plant, technical service or anything else that may affect the type approval, we must be notified.
You shall also report if your product is not conforming to applicable regulation or if it present a serious risk.